Exposing the Truth

Hunt for Truth (HFT) maintains a comprehensive archive of science concerning the issues behind the push to ban lead ammunition. HFT exposes the truth regarding the collaboration between state and federal agencies, incentivized academia, and biased NGOs to distort the science and the data for justification that lead ammunition is primarily responsible for lead poisoning in wildlife. Under this pretext, the collaborative proffers its narrative as well-settled science and stifles any opposition.

HFT was founded by hunting and recreational shooting organizations with the mission to counter the collaborative’s zealous push to ban all hunting with lead ammunition and, eventually, all lead ammunition. HFT has collected an archive of the collaborative’s behind-the-scenes communications and documents spinning their narrative. In response, the collaborative’s various factions have brazenly resisted our search for information and the data behind their well-settled science.

Academia consistently resists HFT’s requests for information while continuing to pervert and destroy the sacred scientific method to publish their studies allegedly supporting the narrative. Academia uses agency and NGO grants to enhance academic standing and the universities’ coffers, while it distorts the study's conclusion with faulty theories, methodology, protocol, and data to establish the desired results. Their papers are published in allegedly credible scientific journals through a biased peer-review process that allows grant-greedy academics to rubber-stamp each other’s publications as accredited studies.

Academics create this vail of credible peer-reviewed scholarly studies as immeasurable support for settled science to ban lead ammunition. However, when HFT seeks to obtain data supporting the studies to utilize the well-founded scientific method and verify the published results, academia refuses to produce it.

UC Santa Cruz even sued HFT to block and prevent compliance with an outstanding California Public Records Act request and any future requests for such publication data. The University claimed it was purely meant to harass researchers and would destroy the impetus for the University’s scientific research. Unfortunately, a California Superior Court Judge accepted the novel legal theory upon a first impression argument and established case law allowing researchers to withhold and hide data allegedly supporting their published studies.

NGOs also abuse grant funds for their pet projects. The sentinel species for the lead ammunition ban for hunting is the California Condor. Though the California Condor has made an astonishing recovery from the brink of extinction, the Condor Recovery Program continues to use lead ammunition threats as the primary reason to continue the Program and push for additional bans with grant funding.

HFT reveals the science is far from settled, and our scientists and staff offer alternative theories for the lead poisoning that the collaborative blames on lead ammunition. Accordingly, HFT is a treasure trove of information, documents, and data that explain the truth behind the Anti’s push to eradicate lead ammunition. We urge everyone interested in pursuing the truth regarding this topic to join the Hunt for Truth and critically evaluate the opposition to banning all lead ammunition.

The following are publications and reports regarding the various aspects involved in the push to ban lead ammunition:


Wildlife Restoration

Public Records Lockdown

Reference Materials

State Regulations

Federal Regulations

State Laws

Federal Laws

Additional Resources

Places to Hunt Map

Places to Shoot

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