U.S. Fish and Wildlife
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife website lists that hunting is available at almost 400 national wildlife refuges, more than 35 wetland management districts, and almost 20 national fish hatcheries. Anyone who hunts on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lands or waters must have the appropriate state license(s). Hunts at wildlife refuges, wetland management districts, and fish hatcheries usually are organized around state hunting seasons and in accordance with state bagging limits. Licenses and hunting information can be obtained from state fish and game departments.
State Regulations
To learn about each state’s hunting regulations and lead ammunition restrictions. All materials presented are for general information purposes only. The information for each state may not be current and is subject to change without notice. We recommend that you reference your state’s official fish and wildlife website for current hunting regulations and lead ammunition restrictions.
Alabama — Hunting Regulations 2023-2024
Arizona — Hunting Regulations 2023-2024
Ohio - Hunting Regulations 2023 - 2024
Oklahoma - Hunting Regulations 2023-2024